With the command-line application curl (aka cURL, short for “client URL”), you can automate batch actions such as submitting thousands of Google Forms, flooding servers with requests in penetration testing, and accessing remote files hands-free using only Unix bash scripting without additional programming languages.
This curl cheat sheet aims to provide an overview of curl for beginners and a taste of hacking with curl for cybersecurity fans like you. Download this curl cheat sheet here.
Keep the Terminal program (on Unix/Linux systems, including macOS) at hand to try out the commands below, many of which yield meaningful results. When you’re ready, let’s dive in.
Refresher: What Is curl?
In computer networking, a client is a machine that asks for data or services, and a server is a machine that provides them. curl is a command-line program for clients to submit requests to servers.
curl is helpful for quickly and automatically checking responses from servers, its prime usage being curl GET and curl POST commands. As curl operates at the protocol level (HTTP/S, FTP, SCP, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, etc.), you can tailor server requests and cyber attacks to complex vulnerabilities not covered by handy security tools such as Burp Suite Pro.
The more familiar you are with curl, the more finely you can adjust curl operations. This curl cheat sheet will help you get started.
Note: The live websites in the commands below work at the time of writing, but URLs and technology may change anytime.
curl Cheat Sheet Search
Search our curl cheat sheet to find the right cheat for the term you're looking for. Simply enter the term in the search bar and you'll receive the matching cheats available.
Web Browsing
The most straightforward use of curl is the command-line display of websites and files, which is also how most computer science students learn about curl in the first place.
curl options (aka flags) begin with a hyphen (-) or two (--), and they take arguments that are strings, URLs or file paths.
Command | Description |
curl http://example.com | Return the source file of a URL http://example.com/ |
curl --list-only "http://socialdance.stanford.edu/music/" | List contents of the directory http://socialdance.stanford.edu/music/ |
curl -l | Abbreviation of curl --list-only |
curl --location "https://aveclagare.org/mp3" | Redirect query as specified by HTTP status response code 3xx. This URL directory, https://aveclagare.org/mp3, does not return the list of MP3 files using the curl --list-only command, but it does with curl --location . |
curl -L | Abbreviation of curl --location |
curl --fail-early "ftp://ftp.corel.com" | Fail quickly in resolving ftp://ftp.corel.com |
curl --head "https://www.stationx.net" | Fetch HTTP headers of the URL https://www.stationx.net |
curl -I | Abbreviation of curl --head |
curl --head --show-error "http://imperial.ac.uk/podcast" | Check whether the site http://imperial.ac.uk/podcast is down |
curl --head --location "https://tinyurl.com/energetic-songs" | grep Location | Expand a shortened or disguised URL: https://tinyurl.com/energetic-songs redirects to a public YouTube playlist. This is also helpful when you want to unearth the actual websites behind the long, convoluted, redirect-intensive email newsletter hyperlinks. |
Downloading Files
The commands below come in handy when you want to scrape websites for content. The following commands return meaningful results as of writing. Change the parameters to suit your purposes.
Command | Description |
curl --output hello.html http://example.com | Outputs the URL http://example.com to a file hello.html |
curl -o | Abbreviation of curl --output. -o only works if placed before the target URL parameter. |
curl --remote-name "https://theory.stanford.edu/~trevisan/books/crypto.pdf" | Download a file from https://theory.stanford.edu/~trevisan/books/crypto.pdf, saving the file without changing its name |
curl --remote-name "https://theory.stanford.edu/~trevisan/books/crypto.pdf" --output cryptography_notes.pdf | Download a file from https://theory.stanford.edu/~trevisan/books/crypto.pdf and rename it to cryptography_notes.pdf Alternatively, you may replace --output with > . Replacing --output with -o does not work here. |
curl --remote-name --continue-at - "https://theory.stanford.edu/~trevisan/books/crypto.pdf" | Continue a partial download of a file https://theory.stanford.edu/~trevisan/books/crypto.pdf |
curl "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/{Linux,Windows,OSX}" --output "file_#1.html" | Download files from multiple locations and name them according to the format file_(operating system).html |
curl "https://www.gutenberg.org/files/[158-161]/[158-161]-0.{txt,zip}" --output "bk#1_#2.#3" | Download a sequence of files and outputs bk158_158.txt, bk158_158.zip, …, bk161_161.zip |
curl --location http://socialdance.stanford.edu/music/ | grep '.mp4' | cut -d \" -f 8 | while read i; do curl http://socialdance.stanford.edu/music/"${i}" -o "${i##*/}"; done | Download all MP4 files from the URL http://socialdance.stanford.edu/music/. Here, use grep to filter out the MP4 files, cut to find the path to the required files (the delimiter is " and the path string was at the 8th such delimiter), A while -loop with curl helps download the files recursively.You’ll need to modify the grep and cut commands to download other file types and locate relevant hyperlinks in the HTML source code of the URL you specify. |
curl GET Commands
Use these commands to make a GET request using curl. curl GET commands may require you to pass authorization keys via the --header
You can also make other HTTP requests such as PUT and DELETE using curl and the appropriate flags.
Command | Description |
curl --request GET "http://example.com" | Fetch the HTML source of the URL http://example.com/ and output it in the terminal console |
curl -X | Abbreviation of curl --request |
curl --request GET 'https://us-east-1.aws.data.mongodb-api.com/app/viewdata-kqgls/endpoint/view?secret=ZAEOuvuEVLF5ll3kGP8FFkAj1GMKB8xu1jRx5D7210gXiZHa5agdbSq8pzbpI8Lo' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | Get all MongoDB documents from the viewdata-kqgls app with the given secret string and content type header as query parameters.The expected result is a JSON object containing all documents. (The URL is a custom API endpoint I made on MongoDB.) |
curl --request GET 'https://us-east-1.aws.data.mongodb-api.com/app/viewdata-kqgls/endpoint/view?secret=ZAEOuvuEVLF5ll3kGP8FFkAj1GMKB8xu1jRx5D7210gXiZHa5agdbSq8pzbpI8Lo&id=636b5046e54ce11139fd8b96' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | Get a MongoDB document from the viewdata-kqgls app with the given ID, secret string, and content type header as query parameters.The expected result is the document, if it exists: {"_id":"636b5046e54ce11139fd8b96","name":"Alice Bob","age":25,"greeting":"Greetings, everyone."} |
curl POST Commands
Use these commands to make a POST request using curl. curl POST commands may require the --header
flag to pass authorization keys.
You can also make other HTTP requests such as PUT and DELETE using curl and the appropriate flags.
Command | Description |
curl --header | Pass a header to the server URL |
curl -H | Abbreviation of curl --header |
curl --request POST "http://example.com" -d 'some data' | Fetch the HTML source of the URL http://example.com/ |
curl -X | Abbreviation of curl --request |
curl --request POST 'https://data.mongodb-api.com/app/data-meetp/endpoint/data/v1/action/insertOne' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'api-key: ZAEOuvuEVLF5ll3kGP8FFkAj1GMKB8xu1jRx5D7210gXiZHa5agdbSq8pzbpI8Lo' --data-raw '{"dataSource": "Cluster0","database": "curlhacks","collection": "curlhacks","document": { "name": "Alice Bob", "age": 25, "greeting": "Greetings, everyone." }}' | Upload via the MongoDB Data API the given Javascript object to a database and collection both named curlhacks .The expected output: {"insertedId":"636b5046e54ce11139fd8b96"} This means curlhacks has registered the new Javascript object as a MongoDB document with the given ID. |
curl --request POST 'https://data.mongodb-api.com/app/data-meetp/endpoint/data/v1/action/findOne' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'api-key: ZAEOuvuEVLF5ll3kGP8FFkAj1GMKB8xu1jRx5D7210gXiZHa5agdbSq8pzbpI8Lo' --data-raw '{"dataSource": "Cluster0","database": "curlhacks","collection": "curlhacks","filter": { "name": "Alice Bob" }}' | Enquire via the MongoDB Data API the database and collection, both named curlhacks , for a document with the key-value pair {"name": "Alice Bob"} .The expected output is the requested document: {"document":{"_id":"636b5046e54ce11139fd8b96","name":"Alice Bob","age":25,"greeting":"Greetings, everyone."}} |
curl --request POST 'https://data.mongodb-api.com/app/data-meetp/endpoint/data/v1/action/deleteOne' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'api-key: ZAEOuvuEVLF5ll3kGP8FFkAj1GMKB8xu1jRx5D7210gXiZHa5agdbSq8pzbpI8Lo' --data-raw '{"dataSource": "Cluster0","database": "curlhacks","collection": "curlhacks","filter": { "_id": { "$oid": "636b4f88fd82bd55d90962c6" } }}' | Delete via the MongoDB Data API a document with the given ID from the database and collection, both named curlhacks .The expected output: {"deletedCount":1} This means curlhacks has deleted a MongoDB document, namely the one specified. |
API Interaction
The following commands can help you automate web query requests, such as Google Form submissions. The examples below are chock-full of Google Form URLs because of a real-life hack so egregious the full source code must remain private.
I wanted a news organization to win an award so badly, I generated 12,000+ submissions to the award nomination Google Form over two months using temporary email addresses and mix-and-match reasons. I was sad the media company didn’t win, but if it did, it’d face the conundrum of having reported on voting fraud yet having voting fraud seal its victory.
Identifying the various fields in the award submission Google Form
Example of a Google Form URL which I could have submitted through curl, blanking out the Google Form ID and identifying information about the news company.
cURL Command Generator
Say goodbye to the hassle of trying to remember the exact syntax for your curl commands! With our curl Command Generator, you can simply say what you need curl to do, and we will generate the command for you.
Go to curl GET and curl POST commands for GET- and POST-specific API interactions using curl.
Command | Description |
curl "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects" | Query an API endpoint |
curl --header "Auth-Token:$DB_APP_TOKEN" "https://example.com/api/v3/endpoint" | Pass a header to a server URL. A header is a field of an HTTP request or response that passes additional context and metadata about the request or response. In this example, the header is an authorization token. |
curl -H | Abbreviation of curl --header |
curl --data "ABC 123" "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/[GoogleFormID]/formResponse" | Send URL-encoded raw data "ABC 123" to an API endpoint, in this case a Google Form. |
curl -d | Abbreviation of curl --data |
curl --data "ABC 123" "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/[GoogleFormID]/formResponse" > output.html | Send URL-encoded raw data "ABC 123" to an API endpoint, in this case a Google Form, and output to output.html data returned from the server |
curl --form "emailAddress=test@myemail.com" --form "submit=Submit" "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/[GoogleFormID]/formResponse" > output.html | Emulate sending an email address to an API endpoint (Google Form here) followed by pressing the Submit button. The output file, output.html , will have a filled email address field. |
curl -F | Abbreviation of curl --form |
curl --form "entry.123456789=</Users/user1/Downloads/playlist.m3u" "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/[GoogleFormID]/formResponse" > output.html | Send to an API endpoint (Google Form here) the file contents of /Users/user1/Downloads/playlist.m3u to the parameter entry.123456789 .The symbol < here means you’re sending data to the server, as opposed to > for data you receive from the server. You can find the parameters of the form entry.123456789 (the number may not be nine digits long) using your browser’s Inspector.On Chrome-based browsers, right-click the page and select “Inspect” to see the Inspector. The output file, output.html , will show the file contents in the corresponding field. |
curl --form "entry.123456789=</Users/user1/Downloads/playlist.m3u" --form "emailAddress=test@myemail.com" "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/[GoogleFormID]/formResponse" | Send more than one piece of data to the given API endpoint. This command sends over the email and playlist file specified. The output for this command will be in the terminal. |
curl --data "entry.123456789=</Users/user1/Downloads/playlist.m3u&emailAddress=test@myemail.com" "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/[GoogleFormID]/formResponse" | Similarly as above, send more than one piece of data to the given API endpoint. This command sends over the email and the raw data string "</Users/user1/Downloads/playlist.m3u" .The output for this command will be in the terminal. |
curl --form "input=@pic1.jpg" "https://www.iloveimg.com/resize-image" > output.html | Send a file /Users/user1/Downloads/pic1.jpg as form data to the given API endpoint.Both commands are equivalent. They send an image file to https://www.iloveimg.com/resize-image. - Use @ if the file is in the current working directory (obtained via pwd );- Don’t use @ if you provide the full directory path of the file. The output file, output.html , will show the image-resizing options returned by the API. |
It appears that the sole action of sending cookies to the target website doesn’t affect the HTML layout of the website. Nevertheless, curl supports the following methods:
Command | Description |
curl --cookie "registered=yes" | Send "registered=yes" as cookie |
curl --cookie "name=alice;email=test@myemail.com" | Send "name=alice" and "email=test@myemail.com" as cookies |
curl --cookie import_cookies.txt | Send the contents of import_cookies.txt as cookie(s).As most browsers no longer support the “Set-Cookie:” prefix, format your cookies in the file as:key1=value1;key2=value2 |
curl -b | Abbreviation of --cookie |
curl --cookie-jar mycookies.txt | Write cookies to mycookies.txt after executing the curl operation on other flags |
curl -c | Abbreviation of --cookie-jar |
curl --dump-header headers_and_cookies.txt http://example.com | Output HTTP headers and cookie data of http://example.com to headers_and_cookies.txt |
curl -D | Abbreviation of curl --dump-header |
curl Script
You can use curl commands in bash scripts. Here are some example scripts involving curl commands:
Example | Description |
curl-install-package.sh | Install packages with curl |
curl-url-time.sh | Check a website response time |
curl-format-json.sh | Beautify json output for curl response |
curl-remote-scripts.sh | curl run remote scripts |
curl Advanced
Here are some commands for fine-tuning your curl operations.
Command | Description |
curl -h | Show help commands |
curl --version | Show curl version |
curl -v ftp://ftp.corel.com/ | Get verbose output while connecting to the URL ftp://ftp.corel.com/ You may use this -v flag along with other flags such as --head, --location . |
curl --trace ftp_corel.txt https://twitter.com/ | Get details of the packets captured in the connection to the URL https://twitter.com/ |
curl -s https://twitter.com/ > twitter.html | Download the URL https://twitter.com/ in silent mode, not outputting the progress |
curl -L "https://twitter.com/search" --connect-timeout 0.1 | Specify the maximum time in seconds (0.1 seconds in this example) allowed to connect to the URL https://twitter.com/search |
curl -s -w '%{remote_ip} %{time_total} %{http_code} \n' -o /dev/null http://ankush.io | Return the specified parameter values as a string '%{remote_ip} %{time_total} %{http_code} \n' on the terminal output and suppress all other system output |
curl -r 0-99 http://example.com | Get the first 100 bytes of the URL http://example.com/ |
curl -r -500 http://example.com | Get the last 500 bytes of the URL http://example.com/ |
curl -r 0-99 ftp://ftp.corel.com | Get the first 100 bytes of an FTP URL. curl only supports ranges with explicit start and end positions. |
curl -m 0.1 | Specify maximum operation time in seconds (0.1s here) |
curl Request Example
Let’s conclude this article with a curl POST request hack. Proceed at your own risk.
Command | Description | Test Result |
curl -X POST https://textbelt.com/text --data-urlencode phone='+[area code][phone number]' --data-urlencode message='Please delete this message. This is a service provided by textbelt.' -d key=textbelt | Send a free SMS text message to a phone number in E.164 format via https://textbelt.com/ with the API key textbelt .If you have a custom API key, replace “ textbelt ” with it. | On the terminal:{"success":true,"textId":"205381667028627395","quotaRemaining":0 }On the phone: |
We hope this curl cheat sheet helps you to explore curl and its uses. Happy curl hacking!