What is SABSA?

SABSA stands for the Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture, and is a leading methodology for developing business operational risk and opportunity-based architectures. It provides a framework for developing risk driven enterprise information security and information assurance architectures. It also helps deliver security infrastructure solutions that support critical business initiatives.

If you want to get to know SABSA.

1. Download the white paper h​ere

​2. Read the book "Enterprise Security Architecture: A Business-Driven Approach"
UK - http://amzn.to/2E1cYKJ
USA - http://amzn.to/2BXdvrb

​SABSA is recommended by me as an enterprise security architecture tool.

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  • Nathan House

    Nathan House is the founder and CEO of StationX. He has over 25 years of experience in cyber security, where he has advised some of the largest companies in the world. Nathan is the author of the popular "The Complete Cyber Security Course", which has been taken by over half a million students in 195 countries. He is the winner of the AI "Cyber Security Educator of the Year 2020" award and finalist for Influencer of the year 2022.

  • Jesse Plummer says:

    The link to the whitepaper is dead. Is there another link or another way to view the WP?

  • Anup Prasad says:

    Its Great To learn With You Sir, I am undergoing through your course. Just Reached No . 12.

  • Alishia says:

    SABSA embraces technical security issues, as well as addressing business goals and environmental factors that may block an organization from accomplishing those goals.

  • Mehi says:

    You are one of the bests sir. Watching your volumes right now.

  • Bala sundar says:

    I’m just started the course, hope I will continue and gain knowledge from you sir.

  • Prashant says:

    hello sir, i am revising ethical hacking and cyber security course with you.

  • Nathaniel Adeyi says:

    Hi Mr. Nathan i just enrolled in this course and am loving it. currently at No. 19 Goals and Learning Objectives. I also love the fact that once paid for, you get a lifetime access. thank you once again for sharing your knowledge.

  • Daudi Lazarre says:

    This really goes to show how complex big organizations are: the problems they solve and how they help people plays a role into how and what cyber security tools, processes and actions are taken to protect company assets. Thanks, Nathan!

  • Ayodele says:

    I appreciate your effort into putting out a valuable well packed course , I hope to learn more from you as time goes by.

  • Patrick Muus says:

    I am a security officer at a package handler facility. I just took a basic course on Cyber Security through LinkedIn.

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