The Ultimate Vi Cheat Sheet You Don’t Want to Miss Out On

VI Cheat Sheet

Are you looking for a quick and easy guide of vi for editing text files on the command line? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve prepared a vi cheat sheet for you to refer to as often as you need. It’s so comprehensive we’re confident you won’t have to Google for “vi tutorial” ever again.

Whether you’re a beginner who wants to get started with vi or an advanced vi user who appreciates a refresher on vi commands, this essential vi commands cheat sheet will help you navigate the various vi modes, edit text, cut/copy/paste, search and replace keywords, and more.

Download this vi cheat sheet here and keep a copy on your desk. When you’re ready, let’s dive in and play with some vi commands.

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What Is Vi?

The command-line text editor vi (short for “visual interface”) is a standard utility on Unix/Linux, and it comes pre-installed on Unix. It contains multiple modes, the basic ones being: Command mode (the default mode; unless otherwise specified, the commands in this cheat sheet apply to this mode), Insert mode, and Visual mode.

This vi editor cheat sheet contains specific commands for various functions, and all commands are case-sensitive (capital letter command = Shift + original letter key).

Some Unix/Linux distributions use vi as an alias for vim, another command-line text editor which is an improvement on vi in that it has productivity-enhancing features, such as window-splitting and tabs, code highlighting, macros, multiple-time undo’s and redo’s, command-line history, pattern matching, and word completion.

Pro tip: To execute a vi command multiple times, prefix the command with a positive integer. For example, if you want to delete 100 lines, type “100dd” in Command mode.

Basic Navigation

This section covers opening vi; moving the cursor around; jumping to the start or end of a word, line, paragraph, and file; and searching for text patterns. The <Return> key featured in some vi commands below is the same as the <Enter> key on some keyboards. <Ctrl> is the Ctrl key, and <Escape/ESC> is the Escape key. Other instances of < and > are literal.

Here are some helpful commands for entering/using vi on the command line:

Terminal commandExplanation
vi filename.txtOpen a new or existing file called filename.txt
vi -r filename.txtRecover a file called filename.txt that someone was editing when the operating system crashed
view filename.txtDisplay read-only filename.txt
cat filename.txtOutput contents of filename.txt; suitable for small files
less filename.txtOutput contents of filename.txt; suitable for large files; navigate using arrow keys

On some distributions, such as macOS, you may use the arrow keys to move the cursor left-, right-, up-, and downwards in the default Command mode. However, on other Unix/Linux distributions, using the arrow keys might yield one of A, B, C, and D, so you still need to learn the following direction commands:

Direction commandExplanation
hMove cursor leftwards by one character
jMove cursor downwards by one line
kMove cursor upwards by one line
lMove cursor rightwards by one character
12hMove cursor leftwards by 12 characters
23jMove cursor downwards by 23 lines
34kMove cursor upwards by 34 lines
45lMove cursor rightwards by 45 characters
100jMove cursor downwards by 100 lines

Use the following directional commands to jump to the beginning or end of a word (a string of alphanumeric characters excluding spaces and punctuation), line, paragraph, or file:

bMove cursor to the beginning of the current word
wMove cursor to the beginning of the next word
eMove cursor to the end of the current word
BMove cursor to the beginning of the previous word before a whitespace
WMove cursor to the beginning of the next word after a whitespace
EMove to the end of the current word before a whitespace
0Move cursor to the first character in the current line
^Move cursor to the beginning of the current line
$Move cursor to the final character in the current line
ggGo to the first line in the document
``Go to your last position in the file
+Move cursor to beginning of next line 
-Move cursor to beginning of previous line
<Ctrl>dScroll down one-half screen
<Ctrl>uScroll up one-half screen
<Ctrl>fScroll forward one full screen
<Ctrl>bScroll backward one full screen
)Move cursor to the next sentence
(Move cursor to the previous sentence
{Move backward by one paragraph
}Move forward by one paragraph
HMove to the top line of the screen
MMove to the middle line of the screen
LMove to the last line of the screen
%Move to matching bracket: () [] {}
:0<Return>Move cursor to the first line in the document
1GMove cursor to the first line in the document
:n<Return>Move cursor to the n-th line, where n is a positive integer, in the document e.g., :10<Return> moves the cursor to the tenth line
nGMove cursor to the n-th line, where n is a positive integer, in the document e.g., 5G moves the cursor to the fifth line
GGo to the final line in the document

A tricky part of mastering vi is searching for patterns and replacing them where needed. The following table lists the relevant search-and-replace vi commands:

/Anything you type after this symbol becomes a pattern you want to find forwards/downwards in the file.
?Anything you type after this symbol becomes a pattern you want to find backwards/upwards in the file.
/^stringFind the pattern string matching the beginning of a line
/string$Find the pattern string matching the end of a line
nFind the next occurrence of the pattern typed after /
NFind the previous occurrence of the pattern typed after ?
f<char>Find a character <char> (such as “a”, “0”, …) on the same line, moving forwards till the end of the line
F<char>Find a character <char> (such as “a”, “0”, …) on the same line, moving backwards till the beginning of the line
;Repeat the previous character search in the same direction
:s/foo/bar/igReplace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” in the current line; “i” means “case-insensitive” and “g” stands for “global”
:1,$s/foo/barReplace an occurrence of “foo” with “bar” from the first line to the last line
:11,22s/foo/bar/gIReplace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” from the 11th line to the 22nd line; “g” stands for “global” and “I” means “case-sensitive”
:^,.s/foo/bar/gReplace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” from the beginning of the file to the current cursor position
:%s/foo/barReplace an occurrence of “foo” with “bar” in the document
:%s/foo/bar/gReplace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” in the document; “g” stands for “global”
:%s/foo/bar/cReplace all occurrences of “foo” with “bar” in the document; “c” means vi will show a prompt to confirm each replacement (“Y” to confirm)
:&Repeat the last replacement command
/\<pro\>Search for the word pro (and not for proper, produce, etc.)
/l[aei]ndSearch for land, lend, and lind

Editing Text

Here, we cover Insert mode, the deletion, modification, and repetition of text, and undoing and redoing actions.

Insert mode is where you edit the text contents of a file. Once in Insert Mode, the word “INSERT” will appear along the bottom edge of the terminal. The following table shows several ways to enter Insert mode in vi:

Command to enter Insert modeExplanation
iInserts text before the current cursor location
aInserts text after the current cursor location
oCreates a new line for text entry below the cursor location
IInserts text at the beginning of the current line
AInserts text at the end of the current line
OCreates a new line for text entry above the cursor location

The following commands help you delete content and enter Insert mode at the same time:

ccRemove the contents of the current line. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
CRemove the contents of the current line. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
cwRemove the word indicated by the cursor. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
c11wRemove 11 words starting from the one indicated by the cursor. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
12ccRemove 12 lines starting from the one indicated by the cursor. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
c20cRemove 20 lines starting from the one indicated by the cursor. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
sRemove the current character. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.
SDeletes the current line. Afterward, vi remains in Insert mode.

When you’ve finished modifying the text, use the following command to stop inadvertently editing your file:

Command to exitExplanation
<Escape/ESC>Exit Insert mode

Remember the following commands if you want to delete one or more characters, words, lines, or paragraphs:

xDelete the character highlighted by the cursor
XDelete the character before the cursor location
ddDelete the line the cursor is on
dwDeletes from the current cursor location to the next word
dWDelete a blank-delimited word and the following space
d}Delete all characters to the end of the paragraph
:5,30dDelete lines 5–30
3xDelete three characters starting from the one indicated by the cursor
d9wDelete nine words starting from the one indicated by the cursor
12ddDelete 12 lines starting from the one indicated by the cursor
d20dDelete 20 lines starting from the one indicated by the cursor
d^Delete from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line
d$Delete from the current cursor position to the end of the line
DDelete from the cursor position to the end of the current line
dGDelete from the current line to the end of the file

The commands listed below are for changing characters/words/lines, repeating them, and undoing changes:

uUndo previous action; repeat as often as is necessary
UUndo all changes to the current line
.Redo the last command once
<Ctrl>rRedo the last command once
n.Redo the last command n times, where n is a positive integer
JJoin next line to the current line
xpSwitch the positions of two adjacent characters
ddpSwap two adjacent lines
:15,16 co 17Copy lines 15–16 to after line 17
:18,20 m $Move lines 18–20 to the end of the file
:7,300 dCopy lines 7–300 to the buffer and delete them from the document

Visual Mode

The Visual mode in vi is for highlighting and selecting text. In this special mode, you can be precise in actions such as cutting, copying, pasting, making uppercase/lowercase, and replacing words.

Three Visual modes exist:

  • visual character mode,
  • visual line mode, and
  • visual block mode.
Command to enter Visual modeExplanation
vEnter visual character mode; afterward, use the navigation keys to highlight text.
Once in this mode, the word “VISUAL” will appear along the bottom edge of the terminal.

Visual character mode in vi
VEnter visual line mode, highlighting the entire line on which the cursor is.
Once in this mode, the word “VISUAL LINE” will appear along the bottom edge of the terminal.

Visual line mode in vi
<Ctrl>vEnter visual block mode, making text selections by blocks. Moving the cursor will make rectangle selections of the text.
Once in this mode, the word “VISUAL BLOCK” will appear along the bottom edge of the terminal.

Visual block mode in vi ideal for formatting similar lines

Once in any of these modes, you can highlight the desired text using arrow keys or the navigation commands in vi. Afterward, you can delete, copy, paste, and manipulate the text wherever the cursor is using the following commands:

yyCopy (y = yank to buffer) the current line indicated by the cursor
40yyCopy 40 lines into the buffer, starting from the current line indicated by the cursor
ywCopy the current word from the character the cursor is on to the end of the word
:15,20yCopy lines 15–20
pPaste the copied text after the cursor
:put<Return>Put (paste) the copied text after the cursor
PPaste the copied text before the cursor
yypRepeat the current line
ywPRepeat the copied word
rReplace the character highlighted by the cursor
ROverwrite multiple characters beginning with the character currently under the cursor; stop replacing with <Escape/ESC>
~Change the alphabetical character under the cursor between uppercase and lowercase
>Increase indentation of all lines
<Decrease indentation of all lines

Vi Command Generator

Say goodbye to the hassle of trying to remember the exact syntax for your Vi commands! With our Vi Command Generator, you can simply say what you need Vi to do, and we will generate the command for you.

Any copied/yanked content goes into one of 26 temporary memory receptacles in the vi editor called text buffers. They persist until you copy or delete more characters into it or until you quit your current vi session. The name of each text buffer is a letter of the English alphabet, so their names are a through z.

Here are some vi commands to manipulate vi text buffers:

"ayyCopy the current line into buffer a
"AyyAppend the current line to buffer a
"addDelete the current line and put text in buffer a
"apPaste the line from buffer a below the current line
"a100yyCopy 100 lines into buffer a
"a100ddCopy 100 lines of text into buffer a and delete them from the document

The vi editor allows you to use abbreviations to replace words. After typing the abbreviation, you expand an abbreviation when you hit <Space> or <Return>. Abbreviations can be a life-saver as you can define common typos as demonstrated by the examples below:

:ab os operating systemExpand every newly typed instance of “os” into “operating system”
:abbreviate sig your@email.comExpand every newly typed instance of “sig” into “”
:ab teh theAuto-correct “the” typo
:ab adn andAuto-correct “and” typo
:ab taht thatAuto-correct “that” typo
:iab tihs thisOnly auto-correct “this” typo in Insert mode
:cab hoeewvr howeverOnly auto-correct “however” typo in Command mode
:abcClear all abbreviations
:abclearClear all abbreviations
:una osRemove the abbreviation related to “os”
<Ctrl>vPrevent an abbreviation you’re entering at the moment from expanding
<CR>This string of four characters represents the new line character when constructing an abbreviation in Insert mode. “CR” stands for “carriage return.”
You can type similar special characters, such as <tab> to input a tab and <esc> to represent the <Escape> character.

When you’ve finished your work in Visual mode, press the Escape key twice:

<Escape/ESC><Escape/ESC>Exit Visual mode

Command Mode

Command mode is the default mode you see when you enter vi. This section covers saving files, quitting the vi editor, showing and hiding line numbers, and running shell commands from inside vi.

ZZSave (if there are changes) and quit
:w<Return>Save (write) to the file named in the original vi execution
:q<Return>Quit (exit the vi console); this will only work if you’ve made no changes
:wq<Return>Save and quit
:q!<Return>Quit without saving
:w newfilename.txt<Return>Save to newfilename.txt
:w>>extrafile.txt<Return>Append the current file to a file named extrafile.txt
:w!<Return>Overwrite the contents of vi to the file named in the original vi execution
:w! newfilename.txt<Return>Overwrite the contents of vi to newfilename.txt
:23,45w snippet.txt<Return>Write the contents of the lines numbered 23 through 45 to a new file named snippet.txt
:23,45w>>snippet.txt<Return>Append the contents of the lines numbered 23 through 45 to a new file named snippet.txt
:r filename.txt<Return>Read a file named filename.txt and insert its contents after the cursor in the currently opened file
:h<Return>Get help on vi (exit it with :q)
:set nu<Return>Display line numbers
:set nonu<Return>Hide line numbers
<Ctrl>gShow the current line number and the total number of lines in the file at the bottom of the screen
:.=Return the line number where the cursor is at the bottom of the screen
:=Return the total number of lines in the document at the bottom of the screen
:!<shell_command><Return>Run a <shell_command>
:!ls<Return>Run the ls (list items in current working directory) command from vi

Advanced Features

This part will cover regular expressions, customization of the vi interface, macros, and splitting the vi editor into multiple windows/screens.

The vi editor admits regular expressions as search strings.

Regular expressionDenoteCharacter class (where applicable)
The beginning of the line: use at the beginning of a search pattern./
Any single character except new line/
*Zero or more of the previous character/
The end of the line: use at the end of the search pattern./
The beginning of a set of matching or non-matching search patterns/
]The end of a set of matching or non-matching search patterns/
\< The beginning of a word in a search pattern/
\>The end of a word in a search pattern/
\swhitespace character<Space>, <Tab>
\Snon-whitespace characterAll characters except <Space> and <Tab>
\xhex digit[0-9A-Fa-f]
\Xnon-hex digit[^0-9A-Fa-f]
\ooctal digit[0-7]
\Onon-octal digit[^0-7]
\hhead of word character[A-Za-z_]
\Hnon-head of word character[^A-Za-z_]
\pprintable character[ -~]
\Pprintable character, excluding digits(?![0-9])[ -~]
\wword character[0-9A-Za-z_]
\Wnon-word character[^0-9A-Za-z_]
\aalphabetic character[A-Za-z]
\Anon-alphabetic character[^A-Za-z]
\llowercase character[a-z]
\Lnon-lowercase character[^a-z]
\uuppercase character[A-Z]
\Unon-uppercase character[^A-Z]

To configure the look and feel of your vi editor, use the following commands:

:colorscheme <Ctrl>dShow a list of available vi color schemes
:colo blueChange to vi’s color scheme named “blue”:

The color scheme “blue” in vi

This article contains additional commands on setting your vi color scheme.

A vi macro is a feature that allows you to record a sequence of commands for performing a certain task. Multiple executions of that macro will repeat the same task in an automated fashion.

Macro commandExplanation
q<register><command(s)>qThe syntax for recording a macro. Examples below.
qao<ESC>qRecord a basic macro that inserts a new line (o) and save it to register a
:regView saved macros
@aReplay the macro saved in register a
5@aExecute the macro saved in register a on five more lines

You can also split your vi editor screen into multiple windows:

<Ctrl>wsSplit the screen horizontally
<Ctrl>wvSplit the screen vertically
<Ctrl>wwNavigate between horizontal/vertical split screens
<ESC>:qExit one of the split screens

For advanced screen splits, refer to our tmux cheat sheet.

The following commands help you configure the settings for your vi user experience:

Setting commandExplanation
:set ic<Return>Ignore the case when searching
:set ai<Return>Set auto indent
:set noai<Return>Unset auto indent
:set nu<Return>Display lines with line numbers on the left side
:set sw = n<Return>Set the shift width of a software tabstop to a length of n, where n is a positive integer
:set sw = 4<Return>Set a shift width of four characters
:set ws<Return>Allow your pattern searches to loop around
:set wm = 0<Return>Turn off wrap margin
:set wm = n<Return>Set the wrap margin from the right edge of the screen as the specified number of characters n, where n is a positive integer
:set wm = 2<Return>Set the wrap margin to two characters
:set ro<Return>Change file type to “read only”
:set term<Return>Print terminal type
:set bf<Return>Discard control characters from input
:set all<Return>View a list of all settings and their current values
:set all&<Return>Reset all settings to their default values


We hope this vi cheat sheet makes you a more confident user of vi commands and helps you complete your work more efficiently. Remember to check out our courses on Unix/Linux shell programming and articles on IT Fundamentals to fill in any proficiency gaps you have in Unix/Linux.

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  • Cassandra Lee

    Cassandra is a writer, artist, musician, and technologist who makes connections across disciplines: cyber security, writing/journalism, art/design, music, mathematics, technology, education, psychology, and more. She's been a vocal advocate for girls and women in STEM since the 2010s, having written for Huffington Post, International Mathematical Olympiad 2016, and Ada Lovelace Day, and she's honored to join StationX. You can find Cassandra on LinkedIn and Linktree.

  • Dave S says:

    You have an amazing library of cheat sheets, but I don’t see the one for vi. Have you posted it yet? Thanks, Dave.

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