To make full use of Unix operating systems such as macOSβs Darwin and Linuxβs GNU, you need to learn how to operate Unix from the command line. Committing Unix commands and their usage to memory can be a burden. Itβs also hard to tell from the official documentation which commands are important and which less so.
This Unix commands cheat sheet aims to help you pick up and brush up high-priority Unix command-line operations easily. It covers essential commands, the in-built text editor vi, and basic shell scripting. A shell script is a computer program designed to run in Unix command-line terminals, and itβs a key building block of programming in Unix.
Download this Unix command cheat sheet here. If youβre ready, letβs dive in below.
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Essential Commands
With these commands, you can obtain critical information about your Unix machine and perform key operations.
System Information
These provide information about your Unix machine.
Command | Description |
uname | Show the Unix system information. |
uname -a | Detailed Unix system information |
uname -r | Kernel release information, such as kernel version |
uptime | Show how long the system is running and load information. |
who | Display who is logged in. |
w | Display what users are online and what they are doing. |
users | List current users. |
whoami | Display what user you are logged in as. |
su | Superuser; use this before a command that requires root access e.g. su shutdown |
cal | Show calendar where the current date is highlighted. |
date | Show the current date and time of the machine. |
halt | Stop the system immediately. |
shutdown | Shut down the system. |
reboot | Restart the system. |
last reboot | Show reboot history. |
man COMMAND | Shows the manual for a given COMMAND . To exit the manual, press βqβ. |
Input/Output Redirection
These are helpful for logging program output and error messages.
Command | Description |
echo TEXT | Display a line of TEXT or the contents of a variable. |
echo -e TEXT | Also interprets escape characters in TEXT , e.g. \n β new line, \b β backslash, \t β tab. |
echo -n TEXT | Omits trailing newline of TEXT . |
cmd1 | cmd2 | | is the pipe character; feeds the output of the command cmd1 and sends it to the command cmd2 , e.g. ps aux | grep python3 . |
cmd > file | Output of cmd is redirected to file . Overwrites pre-existing content of file . |
cmd > /dev/null | Suppress the output of cmd . |
cmd >> file | Output of cmd is appended to file . |
cmd < file | Input of cmd is read from file . |
cmd << delim | Input of cmd is read from the standard input with the delimiter character delim to tell the system where to terminate the input. Example for counting the number of lines of ad-hoc input:wc -l << EOF Hence there are only 4 lines in the standard input delimited by EOF . |
File Management
In the following commands: X
may refer to a single file, a string containing a wildcard symbol referring to a set of multiple files e.g. file*.txt
, or the stream output of a piped command (in which case the syntax would be X | command
instead of command X
); Y
is a single directory; A
and B
are path strings of files/directories.
Command | Description |
* | Wildcard symbol for variable length, e.g. *.txt refers to all files with the TXT extension. |
? | Wildcard symbol referring to a single character, e.g. Doc?.docx can refer to Doc1.docx , DocA.docx , etc. |
ls | List the names of files and subfolders in the current directory. Options include -l , -a , -t which may be combined e.g. -alt . |
ls -l | Also show details of each item displayed, such as user permissions and the time/date when the item was last modified. |
ls -a | Also display hidden files/folders. May be combined with ls -l to form ls -al . |
ls -t | Sort the files/folders according to the last modified time/date, starting with the most recently modified item. |
ls X | List the files |
cd Y | Change directory to Y . Special instances of Y :. β current directory.. β parent directory |
cd | To the $HOME directory |
cd .. | Up one level to enclosing folder / parent directory |
cd /etc | To the /etc directory |
cmp A B | Compare two files A and B for sameness. No output if A and B are identical, outputs character and line number otherwise. |
diff A B | Compare two files A and B for differences. Outputs the difference. |
pwd | Display the path of the current working directory. |
mkdir X | Make a new directory named X inside the current directory. |
mv A B | Move a file from path A to path B . Also used for renaming files.Examples: Moving between directories folder1 and folder2 :mv ./folder1/file.txt ./folder2 The file name will remain unchanged and its new path will be ./folder2/file.txt .Renaming a file: mv new_doc.txt expenses.txt The new file name is expenses.txt . |
cp A B | Copy a file from path A to path B . Usage similar to mv both in moving to a new directory and simultaneously renaming the file in its new location.Example: cp ./f1/file.txt ./f2/expenses.txt simultaneously copies the file file.txt to the new location with a new name expenses.txt . |
cp -r Y Z | Recursively copy a directory Y and its contents to Z . If Z exists, copy source Y into it; otherwise, create Z and Y becomes its subdirectory with Y βs contents |
rm X | Remove (delete) X permanently. |
rm -r Y | Recursively delete a directory Y and its contents |
rm -f X | Forcibly remove file X without prompts or confirmation |
rm -rf Y | Forcibly remove directory Y and its contents recursively |
rmdir Y | Remove a directory Y permanently, provided Y is empty. |
du | Show file/folder sizes on disk. |
du -ah | Disk usage in human readable format (KB, MB etc.) |
du -sh | Total disk usage of the current directory |
df | Display free disk space. |
du -h | Free and used space on mounted filesystems |
du -i | Free and used inodes on mounted filesystems |
open X | Open X in its default program. |
open -e X | Opens X in the default text editor (macOS: TextEdit) |
touch X | Create an empty file X or update the access and modification times of X . |
cat X | View contents of X . |
cat -b X | Also display line numbers as well. |
wc X | Display word count of X . |
head X | Display the first lines of X . If more than a single file is specified, each file is preceded by a header consisting of the string "==> X <== '' where "X '' is the name of the file. |
head -n 4 X | Show the first 4 lines of X . |
ls *.c | head -n 5 | Display the first 5 items of a list of *.c files in the current directory. |
tail X | Display the last part of X . If more than a single file is specified, each file is preceded by a header consisting of the string "==> X <== " where "X " is the name of the file. |
tail -n +1 X | Display entire contents of the file(s) X specified, with header of respective file names |
less | Read a file with forward and backward navigation. Often used with pipe e.g. cat file.txt | less |
ln -s A S | Create symbolic link of path A to link name S . |
Search and Filter
Command | Description |
grep patt X | Search for a text pattern patt in X . Commonly used with pipe e.g. ps aux | grep python3 filters out the processes containing python3 from all running processes of all users. |
grep -v patt X | Return lines not matching the specified patt . |
grep -l patt X | Only the names of files containing patt are written to standard output. |
grep -i patt X | Perform case-insensitive matching. Ignore the case of patt . |
find | Find files. |
find /path/to/src -name "*.sh" | Find all files in /path/to/src matching the pattern "*.sh " in the file name. |
find .. -size +2M | Find all files in the parent directory larger than 2MB. |
locate name | Find files and directories by name . |
sort X | Arrange lines of text in X alphabetically or numerically. |
Command | Description |
tar | Manipulate archives with TAR extension. |
tar -cf archive.tar Y | Create a TAR archive named archive.tar containing Y . |
tar -xf archive.tar | Extract the TAR archive named archive.tar . |
tar -tf archive.tar | List contents of the TAR archive named archive.tar . |
tar -czf archive.tar.gz Y | Create a gzip-compressed TAR archive named archive.tar.gz containing Y . |
tar -xzf archive.tar.gz | Extract the gzip-compressed TAR archive named archive.tar.gz . |
tar -cjf archive.tar.bz2 Y | Create a bzip2-compressed TAR archive named archive.tar.bz2 containing Y . |
tar -xjf archive.tar.bz2 | Extract the bzip2-compressed TAR archive named archive.tar.bz2 . |
zip -r Y | Zip Y to the ZIP archive . |
unzip | Unzip to the current directory. |
File Transfer
These are for uploading and downloading files.
Command | Description |
ssh user@access | Connect to access as user . |
ssh access | Connect to access as your local username. |
ssh -p port user@access | Connect to access as user using port . |
scp [user1@]host1:[path1] [user2@]host2:[path2] | Login to hostN as userN via secure copy protocol for N=1,2 . path1 and path2 may be local or remote. If user1 and user2 are not specified, your local username will be used. |
scp -P port [user1@]host1:[path1] [user2@]host2:[path2] | Connect to hostN as userN using port for N=1,2 . |
scp -r [user1@]host1:[path1] [user2@]host2:[path2] | Recursively copy all files and directories from path1 to path2 . |
sftp [user@]access | Login to access as user via secure file transfer protocol. If user is not specified, your local username will be used. |
sftp access | Connect to access as your local username. |
sftp -P port user@access | Connect to access as user using port . |
File Permissions
Not all files are equally accessible. To prevent unwanted tampering, some files on your device may be read-only. For more information about file permissions on Unix, refer to our Linux File Permissions Cheat Sheet, as the same content applies to Unix.

Command | Description |
chmod permission file | Change permissions of a file or directory. Permissions may be of the form [u/g/o/a][+/-/=][r/w/x] (see examples below) or a three-digit octal number. |
chown user2 file | Change the owner of a file to user2 . |
chgrp group2 file | Change the group of a file to group2 . |
Usage examples:
chmod +x testfile
β allow all users to execute the filechmod u-w testfile
β forbid the current user from writing or changing the filechmod u+wx,g-x,o=rx testfile
β simultaneously add write & execute permissions to user, remove execute permission from group, and set the permissions of other users to only read and write.
Numeric Representation
Octal | Permission(s) | Equivalent to application of |
0 | No permissions | -rwx |
1 | Execute permission only | =x |
2 | Write permission only | =w |
3 | Write and execute permissions only: 2 + 1 = 3 | =wx |
4 | Read permission only | =r |
5 | Read and execute permissions only: 4 + 1 = 5 | =rx |
6 | Read and write permissions only: 4 + 2 = 6 | =rw |
7 | All permissions: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 | =rwx |
chmod 777 testfile
β allow all users to execute the filechmod 177 testfile
β restrict current user (u
) to execute-only, while the group (g
) and other users (o
) have read, write and execute permissionschmod 365 testfile
β user (u
) gets to write and execute only; group (g
), read and write only; others (o
), read and execute only.
Process Management
The following is redolent of functions in Windowsβ Task Manager, but on the command line.
Command | Description |
& | Add this character to the end of a command/process to run it in the background. |
ps | Show process status. Often used with grep e.g. ps aux | grep python3 displays information on processes involving python3 .Meaning of aux :a = show processes for all usersu = show user or owner column in outputx = show processes not attached to a terminal |
ps -e ps -A | Either of these two commands prints all running processes in the system. |
ps -ef | Print detailed overview. |
ps -U root -u root | Display all processes running under the account root . |
ps -eo pid,user,command | Display only the columns PID, USER and COMMAND in ps output. |
top | Display sorted information about processes. |
kill PID | Kill a process specified by its process ID PID , which you may obtain using the ps command. |
lsof | List all open files on the system. (This command helps you pinpoint what files and processes are preventing you from successfully ejecting an external drive.) |
These commands regulate how your Unix machine communicates with other computers, such as the local area network (LAN) router or external websites.
Command | Description |
ifconfig | Display all network interfaces with IP addresses |
netstat | Print open sockets of network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. This command is often piped with the less command:e.g. netstat -a | less |
netstat -a | Show both listening and non-listening sockets. |
netstat -l | Show only listening sockets, which are omitted by default. |
ping host | Send ICMP echo request to host , which may be a symbolic name, domain name or IP address. |
whois domain | Display whois information for domain . |
dig domain | Display DNS information for domain . |
host domain | Display DNS IP address for domain . |
wget LINK | Download from location LINK . |
curl LINK | Display the HTML source of LINK . |
Vi Editor - Basic Commands
Built into Unix systems, vi (or vim) is a command-line visual editor. For simple text file manipulation, the following commands will suffice.
In the Unix terminal:
Command | Description |
vi X | Create a new file X in the vi editor, or open X if X already exists. |
vi -R X view X | Open an existing file X in read-only mode. |
While using vi editor (command mode):
Command | Description |
:q | Quit the vi editor. |
:q! | Quit the vi editor without saving changes. |
:w | Save changes. |
:w filename | Save the file as filename. |
:wq | Save changes and quit vi editor. |
i | Enter insert mode and amend the opened file. To return to command mode and use the other commands in this table, press the ESC key. |
o | Enter insert mode and add a new line underneath the cursor. |
x | Delete the character under the cursor location. |
dd | Delete the line where the cursor is located. |
r | Replace the character under the cursor location with the key the user presses next. |
yy | Copy the current line. |
p | Paste the line that was copied beneath the cursor. |
0 | Go to the beginning of the line. |
$ | Go to the end of the line. |
h,j,k,l | Move the cursor left, down, up, right respectively. |
G | Jump to the first character of the last line of the file. |
gg | Jump to the first character of the first line of the file. |
/foo | Search for instances of βfooβ in the open file. |
:%s/foo/bar | Replace every instance of βfooβ with βbarβ in the open file. |
Shell Programming - Basic Commands
The file extension for shell scripts is .sh
Command | Description |
echo $VAR | Display the contents of a variable. |
read VAR | Get standard input and save it to variable VAR . |
# | Designates all text after # on the same line to be comments (not executed). |
#!/bin/sh | Alert the system that a shell script is being executed. Used as the first line of the shell script. |
Other Links You Might Like:
Valid Shell variable names contain alphanumeric [A-Z, a-z, 0-9] characters and/or underscore (_). The variable must begin an alphabetical character and is usually uppercase.
Command | Description |
VAR_NAME=VALUE | Define a variable VAR_NAME and give it a VALUE . The value may be a number or string enclosed by double quotation marks ("). Examples:PRICE=100 |
readonly VAR_NAME | Make the variable VAR_NAME read-only. |
unset VAR_NAME | Delete the variable VAR_NAME . |
$VAR1$VAR2 | Concatenate the values of the variables $VAR1 and $VAR2 . |
Reserved Variables
By using any of the following in your shell scripts, you call values from special variables in Unix.
Variable | Description |
$0 | File name of the current shell script. |
$1, $2, $3, β¦, ${10}, ${11}, β¦ | References to the arguments supplied to the script: $1 is the first argument, $2 is the second argument, and so on. |
$# | The number of arguments supplied to a script. |
$* | Refer to arguments separated by spaces. Here, "a b c" d e are considered 5 separate arguments. |
"$@" | Refer to arguments grouped by the double quotes enclosing them. Here, "a b c" d e are considered 3 arguments. |
$? | The exit status of the last command executed: 0 for success and 1 or other numbers for various errors. |
$$ | Process ID of the shell script. |
$! | Process number of the last background command. |
In ksh shell: set -A ARRAY_NAME value1 value2 ... valueN
In bash shell: ARRAY_NAME=(value1 ... valueN)
Accessing array values (zero-indexed, i.e. first element is at [0] not [1]):
Array variable | Description |
${ARRAY_NAME[index]} | Display the value at [index] of ARRAY_NAME . |
${ARRAY_NAME[*]} | Display all values of the array ARRAY_NAME . |
${ARRAY_NAME[@]} | Same as ${ARRAY_NAME[*]} . |
Basic Operators
These are used in the expression
s in decision making and loop control.
For arithmetic and relational operators, the arguments are applied to both sides of each operator, separated by spaces, e.g. 2 + 2
(not 2+2
Arithmetic operator | Description |
+ | Addition |
- | Subtraction |
* | Multiplication |
/ | Division |
% | Modulus |
= | Assignment |
== | Equality |
!= | Inequality |
Relational operator | Description |
-eq | Equal to |
-ne | Not equal to |
-gt | Greater than |
-lt | Less than |
-ge | Greater than or equal to |
-le | Less than or equal to |
Boolean operator | Description |
! | Logical negation / not: inverts true/false condition |
-o | Logical OR (inclusive): returns true if any one of the operands is true |
-a | Logical AND: returns true if all operands are true |
String operator | Description |
= | Returns true if the two operands on both sides of = are equal. |
!= | Returns true if the two operands on both sides of != are not equal. |
-z $STRING_VAR | Returns true if $STRING_VAR is zero in length. |
-n $STRING_VAR | Returns true if $STRING_VAR is not zero in length. |
[ $STRING_VAR ] | Returns true if $STRING_VAR is not the empty string. |
In the following, FILE
is a variable containing a string to a file/directory path.
File operator | Description |
-d $FILE | Returns true if FILE is a directory. |
-f $FILE | Returns true if FILE is an ordinary file as opposed to a directory or special file. |
-r $FILE | Returns true if FILE is readable. |
-w $FILE | Returns true if FILE is writable. |
-x $FILE | Returns true if FILE is executable. |
-e $FILE | Returns true if FILE exists, even if FILE is a directory. |
-s $FILE | Returns true if FILE size is greater than zero. |
Decision Making
Types | Syntax |
ifβ¦fi | if [ expression ] Statement(s) to be executed if expression is truefi |
ifβ¦elseβ¦fi | if [ expression ] Statement(s) to be executed if expression is trueelse Statement(s) to be executed if expression is falsefi |
ifβ¦elifβ¦elseβ¦fi | if [ expression1 ] Statement(s) to be executed if expression1 is true Statement(s) to be executed if expression2 is trueelif [ expression3 ] Statement(s) to be executed if expression3 is trueelse Statement(s) to be executed if none of the given expression s is truefi |
caseβ¦esac | case word in Statement(s) to be executed if pattern1 matches word Statement(s) to be executed if pattern2 matches word Statement(s) to be executed if pattern3 matches word Default condition to be executed
Loop Control
Loop type | Syntax |
for | for VAR in word1 word2 β¦ wordN Statement(s) to be executed for every word
Note: word1 word2 β¦ wordN may be a list of numbers (e.g. 1 2 3 4 5 ) or a set of paths (e.g. /home/folder*/app/ ). |
while | while command Statement(s) to be executed if command is true
Infinite loop: use : as the command, i.e. while : . |
until | until command Statement(s) to be executed until command is true
select | Available in ksh and bash but not sh . Behaves like a for -loop with the numbers replaced by the word VAR in word1 word2 ... wordN Statement(s) to be executed for every word |
Flow control | Syntax |
break | Exit a loop. |
continue | Exit the current iteration of the loop and proceed with the next iteration. |
Ctrl+C | Key combination to abort a running process |
Ctrl+L | Key combination to remove the previous command and its output (macOS: command+L) |
This article covers all the basic commands you need to know when learning to operate Unix from the command line. We hope this Unix command cheat sheet is an excellent addition to your programming and cybersecurity toolkit. See Unix commands in action with our Complete Cyber Security Course available with a StationX Membership.
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This is such an awesome compilation, neatly organized. Thank you Miss C.